Take the King's Shilling

How do I get involved in re-enacting?
Check the Calendar of events page and attend a few living history events where there are re-enactors. These may be battle re-enactments, encampments or 'living history' displays. Compare several groups and talk with a few individuals from each of them. Look at the group itself, beyond the period clothing. Are the groups you've seen emphasizing things that interest you? Is their approach to history one that appeals to you? How are they organized? Do they seem open and friendly?
If you choose the Royal Scots Grenadiers, you will be invited to attend activities with the group as a guest. Only by participating in a few events can you get the feel of re-enacting.
What are the Membership fees?

Membership fees are $35 for the first membership in a family and $25 each subsequent member. When first joining up the minimum kit can be purchased quickly and easily. From there other kit items are added over time and there are ways we can help.